The last time I posted I said I was practicing 30 minutes per day. That has totally changed as my knowledge addiction … slash perfection seeking personality has taken over. I’m drawing as much as I can find free time in the day.
This has it’s ups and downs. As you should be more laid back as I understand it and … enjoy the journey as the experts say … based on the many art videos I have poured over. A bit obsessive? For full disclosure, I’m not watching art videos in place of practice. That would be bad. Instead when I find myself in positions to practice … that is when I fill in with watching art videos (when possible).
I’ve also been watching other tutorial videos about gesture drawing … mainly the Force series with Michael Mattesi. I just like how their drawing looks so trying to incorporate that into the Proko lessons. Apparently did point out that they are the best at teaching gesture … so there is that. Not putting down any money. Just watching their YouTube videos. … Anyway back on topic.
Having said that I have had major ups and downs during this last session. I worked mostly on gestures. Sometimes I feel like a light-bulb has gone off. Only to fail miserably on the very next gesture drawing. Ugh! The last practice session was particularly painful.
However, there may be a hint of progress? Maybe? I don’t know. But even though tempted to give up and in. I forge ahead. Not just for myself … but also for my kids. It’s a life lesson of a sort. You can achieve almost anything if you are willing to work hard at it. … That almost anything is import because sometimes you just fail I guess.
Let’s see how this one goes.
Well here are all of the drawings since the last time. Enjoy.